Amex Shipping handle 6 Bulk Carriers Vessels and 1 Chemical Distributor from 2nd class.
Amex Shipping
We work successfully with IMPECCA MARINE PLC. , Norden Ship Design House and many others.
Amex Shipping
Crewing & Manning | Assignments & Recruitment | Payroll | Training

Crewing & Manning
We can provide from our pool any experts matching your demands. This can be for incidental crewing & manning needs as well as for longer term. All personnel will be carefully selected based on your specific needs. Our consultants have long term experience in all our disciplines, ensuring that we can propose the crew members that you need. Crewing & manning can be based on single basis but also full crewing of your vessel and project. We will make the required applications for flag state endorsements, work permits, crew planning, flights, visa, A1 certificate EU states work permit etc.

Assignments & Recruitment
Based on your requirements, we can propose candidates for direct employment. All candidates are carefully selected. Interviews can be conducted by your company.

Due to our extensive experience in the maritime industry, we are able to payroll all crew members accomodated. We know many different CBA's and have extensive experience in dealing with international taxes.

We can supply experienced personnel to train and teach your own personnel to operate your vessel. Our personnel has experience working with mixed nationality crews and have worked globally in a range of conditions.
Vacant Positions
За момента позициите, за които набираме екипаж са:
капитан, старши пом.капитан, 2-ри пом. капитан, 3-ти пом.капитан , главен механик, 2-ри механик, 3-ти механик, 4-ти механик, ЕТО и Фитери
Amex Shipping LTD набира стажанти/практиканти, учащи и завършили специалности: КММ или Електрообзавеждане на кораба. Кандидатстването може да се осъществи по програма Еразъм+ или свободно. Без начален/краен срок за кандидатстване. Месечно […]
Amex Shipping LTD обявява следната свободна позиция за работа на MV ARGOS M- Flag Liberia Продължителност на контракта: 4 месеца +(-1) Продължителност на контракта Fitter : 2 месеца +(-1) За […]
Amex Shipping LTD обявява следната свободна позиция за работа на MV Endeavor – Flag Liberia Позиция: -Fitter ->->месечно възнаграждение: 4 000$ Продължителност на контракта: 2 месеца +(-1) За повече информация […]